What We Do
The California Association of Area Agencies on Aging (C4A) represents and supports 31 of California’s Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs). California’s AAAs operate under the U.S. Federal Older Americans Act (OAA) and the Older Californians Act (OCA), serving as the backbone of California’s aging and social service delivery network.
C4A works with community partners and statewide allies to educate the public, elected officials, and other government leaders about aging and disability-related policy and funding issues, and to advocate for solutions to those issues. C4A also works closely with the California Department of Aging which administers funding and regulates programs for California’s AAAs. Additionally, C4A serves as a forum for AAAs to learn about, collaborate, and share practices for how to best deliver services to adults aged 60 and older, persons with disabilities, and unpaid family caregivers – the populations AAAs serve.
Our Executive Committee
Chair/President – Aneliza Del Pinal, Chief Executive Officer, Sourcewise
Vice President – Paul Dunaway, Director, Sonoma County Adult and Aging Services
Treasurer – Sarah Enz, Imperial County Public Administrator/Area Agency on Aging Director
Secretary – Maggie Kraft, Executive Director, Area 1 Agency on Aging
At Large – Kelly Dearman, Executive Director, San Francisco Department of Disability and Aging Services
Legislative Chair – Victoria Jump, Assistant Director, Los Angeles County Aging & Disabilities Department
Immediate Past President – Dr. Laura Trejo, Director, Los Angeles County Aging & Disabilities Department
USAging Delegate – Sharon Nevins, Director, San Bernardino County Department of Aging and Adult Services
Our Committees And Chairs
Working closely with other C4A Committees and the California Department of Aging, the Communications Committee increases the visibility of C4A, and services provided by AAAs. The Committee oversees the C4A website, provides input on social media and other communication vehicles, and implements periodic campaign initiatives.
Co-Chair Paul Dunaway, Director, Sonoma County Adult and Aging Services
Co-Chair Elaine Clark, Executive Director, of Napa/Solano Area Agency on Aging
Conference Planning Committee
The Conference Planning Committee organizes and coordinates the logistics of the C4A Annual Conference. Responsibilities include but are not limited to venue selection, speaker and program development, managing registrations, and overseeing budget and finances. The Conference Planning Committee plays a crucial role in bringing the organization's mission to life by creating a platform for knowledge-sharing, networking, and advancing the goals of Area Agencies on Aging.
Co-Chair Ana Bagtas, Director, Contra Costa Area Agency on Aging
Co-Chair Joe Cobery, Director, Passages Adult Resource Center
The Executive Committee works in close partnership with the Board of Directors to streamline the Board’s activities and key priorities by setting clear goals and a developmental plan for C4A’s growth. The committee addresses urgent matters that require consideration outside of regular Board meetings and oversees the collaborative efforts of the full Board. The Executive committee advises the C4A Board, offering valuable insights and guidance.
Chair Dr. Laura Trejo, Director, Los Angeles County Aging & Disabilities Department
The Legislative Committee monitors proposed and enacted legislation that affects the lives of Older Californians and advises the Board on positions of advocacy for C4A. The committee also develops legislative and budgetary proposals that advance the mission of C4A, AAAs, and older adults.
Chair Kelly Dearman, Executive Director, San Francisco Department of Disability and Aging Services
The Nominating Committee seeks qualified candidates to fill vacancies in the executive committee. The Nominating Committee reviews and prepares a slate of Officers to be considered and voted on by the full Board on an annual basis.
Chair Sharon Nevins, Director, San Bernardino County Department of Aging and Adult Services
With C4A Board approval, the Policy Committee develops positions which enhance the independence and living experience of older Californians and those living with disabilities. This committee works closely with the C4A Legislative Committee and affiliated organizations to advance policies and support advocacy leading to an integrated and equitable system of healthcare and social supports for older adults, persons with disabilities and family caregivers.
Co-Chair Jewel Lee, Director, Riverside County Office on Aging
Co-Chair Lee Pullen, Director, Marin County Aging and Adult Services
The Training Academy develops training curricula and identifies learning management systems that provide access to quality education and leadership development of employees of California’s AAAs.
Co-Chair Victoria Jump, Director of the Ventura County Area Agency on Aging
Co-Chair Maggie Kraft, Executive Director, Area 1 Agency on Aging